Look for an Apartment

Finding and getting the apartment you want is becoming increasingly difficult. In order to convince the landlord or agent, you need to prepare carefully when buying an apartment. This does not guarantee a rental agreement, but it does increase your chances of success in the competitive housing market.

Tip : Have realistic expectations

Before you actively start looking for your new home, you need to have a clear idea of what you are looking for, but also be willing to make compromises. You have to ask yourself a few questions in order to optimally plan your apartment search, for example

How much rent do you want to pay and how much can you put up as a deposit?

How much time do you have?

What are the absolute no-nos for you when renting an apartment?

What is the minimum and maximum number of rooms you require?

What would be nice if yes, but not necessary? and can do without it

Beware of fraud

An absolute dream apartment forged profile at a reasonable price is dangerous, and unfortunately, an Internet portal is often found.
Scammers use people’s desperation to find housing.
If you need a prepaid for hundreds or thousands, you should say goodbye to your dream of renting a perfect apartment – there really isn’t one. Frequently scammers praise to maintain the latest overseas. The method of transferring this money leaves the recipient’s identity to transfer the money to the Transfer Control Number (MTCN). You should never get involved in something like that!

So you can be sure that the apartment you are looking for is not a fake profile:

The landlord or the housing association can be reached with their full name by telephone and e-mail.
The landlord of the apartment offers viewing appointments on request or already in the advertisement.
The landlord does not require a deposit before signing the rental agreement.
The key will be handed over personally after signing the rental agreement.
A deposit must be paid for the first rent and, if necessary, after the handover of the apartment.

viewing appointment

There are a few things to always keep in mind when planning your sightseeing to increase your chances.

Rely on a well-groomed appearance

Arrive on time (preferably 510 minutes before viewing the reservation)

Friendly and honest

Do not provide overly personal information about yourself

Please be careful and ask immediately if you have any questions

Show interest if you really like apartments

Don’t talk negatively about old landlords, neighbors, old apartments

Please bring all necessary documents with you

Getting ready!

Please bring all necessary documents with you

The landlord will look at certain documents from you before you start browsing and bring them with you if necessary (bring a copy of all documents with you). These typically include:

Identification documents (ID card or passport)

Proof of a regular employment relationship and thus a normal income (copy of the employment contract and proof of income in the form of a bank statement)

Rental debt exemption certificate from the previous or current landlord

tenant self-assessment

The tenant self-assessment is a questionnaire that potential tenants fill out, sign and pass on to future landlords. With this self-disclosure, the landlord receives the most important information about prospective tenants. More precisely, about his private, family and financial situation.

credit report

The company will use the requested credit check to obtain your ideas. If it shows that you can be trusted, the contract is concluded. If you have committed too many sins in your payment history in the past, the contract is unlikely to go through.
For example Schufa information

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